Third Annual Ottawa British Car Day
Our Third Annual Ottawa British Car Day was held Sunday July 14. While attendance was down from last year, with the threat of rain, it was certainly a great success from a NASOC perspective.
The trend this year seems to be the debut of new Singers which have been under long term restoration , squirreled away or simply not close to a suitable show venue. Mad Dogs and Englishmen saw John Slusar’s nearly ready car, plus several others that were grateful to finally find a suitable show venue.
In Ottawa, Ken and Graham Pearse arrived with their ’54 4AD which is nearing the paint shop at this point. Ken is the second owner of the car and had the misfortune of driving more than too close to the edge of the road 50 years ago. With a recently rekindled interest in the car, he and Graham have fast tracked its restoration and aim to be at Stowe in the fall.
Paul Bouchard arrived in his Super Ten with all four cylinders beating in a fine rhythm. While the car still needs cosmetic surgery, it’s amazing how much better an automobile can look when it’s actually running.
The surprise of the show was the arrival of Eugene Abondello and Phil Avis, driving Gene’s newly acquired ’35 Singer Long Tail. Alex Mandeville of British Columbia has long owned this little beauty, but with waning interest, let it go a couple of weeks ago to Gene. The Long Tail and my Nine Sports made a lovely looking couple. I look forward to seeing it at Stowe, where I anticipate this year NASOC will have 4 Pre war cars on display. This should be enough to establish a pre war class on its own.
Consistent with the trend for debut this year, we should see about 4 new cars at Stowe and record attendance. My prediction - 4 pre war cars and 7 post war. Be there for the best attended Stowe yet.
My brother in law had an occasional( very occasional ) 4 seater Le Mans CUL591, prior to WW11 and used it throughout the war. When his battery was tired he boosted it with a couple of twin cell bicycle batteries. Used to have a new hood every two or three years. Seem to remember that the seat squabs were inflatable. When it needed a rebore he used a Holt's compound called OverHaul to squirt into the pots to cure piston slap. Worked too!!.
Just like to add that The British Car day was fantastic for us. We didn't know what to expect when we loaded up the "work in progress" for the haul from Coldwater. After 7 1/2 hours of interesting driving, the day definitely made up for it. The variety of cars, the interest in hearing what is involved in restoration and having others give input on how to over come diffent issues was a great opportunity. Of course for Kenlis to show everyone the rare find of a glass coil was priceless. With the gauntlet thrown down to get the restoration complete by Stowe, the Ottawa day was exactly what we needed to boast the energy levels. It is always a beautiful site to see multiple singers together, and to answer the age old question "Are these cars from the same people that make sewing machines?"
Thank you again for the invite and I'm quite sure that the Ottawa British Car day will become a standard event on the Pearce's Car travelling show :) Best to all.
Graham and Kenlis
You boys can stay to supper and have some of the chicken if you help catch them.. We have found some dreams that were plainly wish-fulfillments; and others in which wish-fulfillment could not be recognized, and was frequently concealed by every available means.. William, said she, you're drunk.. Such elaboration of the dream content must not be too pronounced; the misconception of the dream thoughts to which it gives rise is merely superficial, and our first piece of work in analyzing a dream is to get rid of these early attempts at interpretation.. Brede vanished as he shook that grimy hand in manly fashion.. And from the reader's standpoint it has the advantage--is this not also an author's advantage?--of a more modern setting and treatment.. Ye see, when he come here to take the rooms--you wasn't here then--he told my wife that he lived at number thirty-four in his street.. His mental resolves had just reached this point when a new thought made itself known.. Poor Master Horner's distress may hardly be imagined.. You think your money salve will heal all the hurts of honor.. The contradiction to my theory of dreams in the case of another female patient, the most witty among all my dreamers, was solved in a simpler manner, although according to the scheme that the non-fulfillment of one wish signifies the fulfillment of another.. the sum placed at our free disposal in proper allotment--admits of still finer application for the illustration of the dream structure.. Can we ask a question, Judge? he said, respectfully, although his voice had the unmistakable Western-American ring in it, as of one who was unconscious that he could be addressing any but his peers.. Abner felt the lump of gum come loose and slip down a cold spine.. But he would plead, so humbly, to be let off, only from one or two! I never excepted him, however.. The dreamer had entered his father's business, and had taken a terrible dislike to the questionable practices upon which profit mainly depends.. She had also had one husband, and knew something more than running a farm successfully.. Auer, of Welsbach; then I should be able to travel instead of remaining in Vienna.. Experience had given him a degree of confidence, and confidence gave him power.. He was an entertainer bent only on amusing and surprising his reader...
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